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When we summed up the activities in 2020, i.e. in the middle of the pandemic, we did not expect that the following years would bring even more turmoil. How did we deal with the challenges we had to face? What is the mood in the industry, and what can we expect in 2023? Dariusz Piotrowski, Vice President of Melaco, answers these questions.

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Is it possible to remember your first day after 25 years of work? It turns out that yes. Leszek Bułakowski, who celebrates an important jubilee this year, talks about how we work and how our company has changed over the years.


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Melaco sp. z o.o.

ul. Ciepielowska 9
67-100 Nowa Sól


Agata Sroczyńska

Sales Coordinator


Beata Prałat

Sales Specialist